Friday, February 28, 2014

Comics? Comics! Let's do this thing!

What I want to accomplish in my comics:

I wasn’t hooked on comics the same way many other kids growing up were. I wasn’t really into the superhero comic book scene at all which definitely marginalized me to some extent. I was definitely more into the comic strip. The first book I remember buying for myself with my money was The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes in 1995 and I devoured that book cover to cover several times that year. 

I’m much the same way now. I prefer independent comics compared to the super hero graphic novel and in independent comics I’d like to make some sort of mark. I strive to create stories in which there are very real consequences for the actions of my characters. There’s something to be said about grounding real fears and concerns within works of fiction to help relate to the audience. But I’m also a fan of the abnormal and whimsical. I draw a lot of influence from Japanese writer/director HayaoMiyazaki in this regard. And, much like his work, I strive to write stories where characters remind each other how to live. 

During this course I’d like to get a better understanding of pacing and framing potential in comics. Also, by being interested in the independent scene, I want to learn as much as I can about self promotion and marketing; getting stuff out to readers. There’s a huge push for online content these days and I want to be current in my promotion of content. 

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